I find this technique much easier than the stovetop pan method. You'll get beautiful, perfectly frosted nuts that are roasted evenly, with no bitter burned...
Extremely easy and elegant appetizer. Asparagus spears are wrapped in a sheath of prosciutto, then baked until crispy. A great dish to make ahead, and...
This recipe doesn't contain mayo or sour cream like most, so it's very cheesy and very delicious. I'm asked for the recipe every time I make it. For those...
This tasty appetizer seasoned with thyme, oregano, and savory. Choose good sized mushrooms, about 2 inches across. When cleaning mushrooms, don't run them...
These are the fastest, easiest crab cakes I have ever made and some of the best I have ever eaten! Serve with coarse mustard on the plate or your favorite...
Delicious and bursting with flavor, Asian lettuce wraps are a great idea for entertaining or a family style meal. Each person can build their own fresh,...
I have been making jerky for years. This is my recipe concocted by trial and error. Everyone who has tried it says it is the 'best jerky' they have ever...
These easy to make hot wings are crispy without being fried. Always yummy to snack on. They only take 10 minutes for prep, but need to be refrigerated...
Every Spanish restaurant serves this dish of shrimp cloaked in garlic-infused olive oil with smoky hints of paprika and a touch of sweetness from sherry....
This wonderful version of pimento cheese can be used for grilled cheese sandwiches, as a spread for crackers, or served alongside your favorite fried green...
A friend sent me this recipe! A creamy base is layered with cocktail sauce, veggies, seafood and cheese. It's a total crowd pleaser and will be a hit at...
This is a scrumptious taco dip. When I use all low-fat ingredients, such as low-fat sour cream and low-fat Cheddar, it still comes out so delicious! Serve...
This addictive salsa is restaurant quality, or maybe even better! It's fresh and flavorful, not too spicy, and easy to make in a food processor with a...
If you're a stuffed mushroom connoisseur, this is a must try! These practically melt in your mouth and are always a hit when I've served them to family...
Thanks to a new wave of modern day cave-people, eating healthy, high-protein snacks is all the rage, and while you can find many artisan brands out there,...
If you're a garlic lover this garlic bread recipe's for you! Garlic, butter, olive oil, and freshly baked bread-what else can you ask for? Try this recipe...
One of the most common mistakes people make when serving cheese is not letting it come to room temperature first, so that all the flavors can be fully...
This dip is similar to white cheese sauces served in many Mexican restaurants. The amount of heat can be adjusted by adding your favorite chili pepper...
This dip is amazing -- so cheesy and fragrant. If you don't like artichokes, don't worry -- you'll never know they're in there! My only question is: Is...
Homemade pot stickers are so versatile--you can fill them with anything you want and as full as you want. And the play between the crispy, crusty bottom,...
Classic combos are classic because the flavors go well together! Dill, cucumber, and smoked fish are combined with a bit of lemon to perk things up. Small...